Tag Archives: huggy bear

No shit

Regarding https://redmen.com/forum/redmentalk/274528-i-miss-the-old-redmen-site.html

“Well,” said kernel #1, the top most kernel in a pile of shit the next day after a hearty meal of corn on the cob, “you know who I don’t like, it’s that guy fun, who hasn’t shit in this toilet in two years.”

“Exactly,” said kernel #2, “I often go and smell the excrement in the toilet in which fun shits now since he stopped shitting in this toilet, which was so wretched that he couldn’t bear to shit in it any more. I disapprove of his shits there and am happy he doesn’t shit here any more.”

“Just so,” said kernel number three, “I’ve examined fun’s shit closely. I’ve rubbed it between my fingers and tasted it and even once used it for lube when I rubbed my tiny little half hard cock and it made a very dissatisfactory lube and moreover I disapprove of the texture and color of fun’s shit. Let me come right out and say it having studied fun’s shit closely: fun’s shit stinks. I’m glad that fun no longer shits in this toilet, this toilet smells so much better now.”

“Right ons jive turkey,” said kernels number four, “y’all’s knows that I’s be’s quites happy’s that fun’s shit don’ts be here’s no mo, becuz his shits not righteous fashitizzle. And Huggy bear’s agrees! Psyche!”

“Me too,” said kernel #5, “fun’s shits have so much ruined other terlets for me that I only shit here now.”

“Who are these fucking retards,” fun said when contacted by a fan, “I couldn’t pick one of these dopes out of a line up. And even if I could, why are they so fascinated with my shit? Which by the way, smells delightful.”